Monday, June 22, 2015

Kinds Of Checks For Language Arts

Words arts assessments examination students' comprehension of their native words.

Words arts refers to the recite of your native language. In elementary and middle schools, language arts classes focus on phonics, literacy, writing, reading comprehension, grammar and speech. Language arts covers a variety of topics; therefore there are many different kinds of language arts assessments that test a particular set of skills or knowledge.


Learning correct grammar is an essential part of language arts. It is most commonly completed in class and is timed. Reading comprehension assessments determine a student's ability to find and construct meaning within a given text. Students are asked to identify the purpose, meaning and subject matter of a piece of writing with which they were formerly unfamiliar. This tests reading comprehension skills and grammar.


Writing assessments identify a student's ability to communicate his thoughts on paper. They also test spelling, grammar and punctuation skills. Writing assessments may be timed in-class tests or take-home assignments such as essays and research papers. For younger children, writing a story in class is a good way of assessing basic writing skills and conventions. Older children may be asked to write stories containing more complex writing elements such as language usage, organization and mechanics.

Oral Presentations

Oral presentations assess students' ability to effectively communicate their ideas, thoughts and/or research to others. Oral presentations may be completed individually or in groups, depending upon grade level and curriculum. They require planning and preparation because they must be organized and concise. Students are assessed based upon body language, maintaining eye contact, preparation and voice.

Reading Comprehension

A reading comprehension assessment provides students with a passage of reading and then requires them to answer questions related to the reading passage. Grammar is the system of rules that govern a language. It affects the way you speak, write and comprehend language. Basic grammar assessments require students to fill in the blanks or perhaps answer multiple-choice questions regarding verb conjugations or punctuation. More advanced grammar assessments require a student to edit grammatical mistakes in a written piece of work.