Monday, June 29, 2015

Make Twocolor Solid Fresh paint Markers

Stain markers are forceful Craft supplies that permanently decorate a Broad conglomeration of materials and mediums. Unfortunately, at most Craft suppliers the markers are expensive to pay for individually. Save bankroll and carry pleasant by creating do-it-yourself two-color colouring markers when a complete spectrum is not required.


Preparing The Marker Casing

1. Thoroughly wash a 6-inch length of 1-inch calibre PVC piping with soap and baking aqua. Permit to air-dry completely. Create not application a rag or paper towel to dry, as this Testament ok latest lint and residue that may clog the marker.

2. Using a dwarf vastness of plaster or other moulding compound, constitute a thin wall partly fini the length of the PVC piping. This Testament seperate the two colours of colouring so that Everyone one comes gone of a discrepant extent.

3. Permit the moulding to dry overnight. Alternatively, a collection of chop plastic or rubber may be glued in assign to seperate the two ends of the marker. Be definite that the wall is paper of holes and leaks.

Constructing The Marker

4. Holding the PVC piping over a remove or sink, pour a little vastness of paint thinner into one objective of the marker. The paint thinner is what Testament acquiesce the paint to run through the tip of the marker. For the best results, experiment with the amount of thinner used to find a good balance between too drippy and too thick.

5. Fill the end of the paint marker with paint until it is almost full. Leave 1/2 inch to 1 inch of space between the paint and the top of the marker.

6. Cut a strip of felt or another thick material roughly 1 inch wide and 10 inches to 12 inches long. Roll the fabric tightly into a cylindrical shape. If rolled too loose, paint will run out of the marker when it is not in use.

7. Insert the rolled fabric into the end of the marker. If necessary, the fabric may be glued in place. Place a PVC end cap on the marker, and turn it upside down.

8. Pour a mixture of paint thinner and paint similar to that of the finished end of the marker into the empty side using a different color of paint.

9. Cut a second strip of fabric 1 inch wide by 10 inches to 12 inches long, and roll it tightly. Push it into the end of the marker or glue it in place.

Remove one of the end caps, and use the newly functioning marker to mark the cap. This will help you distinguish between the two sides. Remove the other end cap and mark it with the other color.

10. Cap the second side of the marker with a 1 inch diameter PVC end cap. Holding the marker over a drain or sink, shake well for two to three minutes to thoroughly mix the paint and thinner.11.