Thursday, June 18, 2015

Make Use Of An Overhead Projector

Handle an Overhead Projector

The overhead projector has been a beneficial presentation stuff by reason of the 1930s. While it has astray some of its effectiveness due to the invention of multimedia and list projectors, it all the more has a important abode in virgin classrooms. With Correct usage and aggravation, an overhead projector can behind a correct lenghty bit and helping hand students and observers to eventually be higher quality audiovisual learners.


Angle the mirror at the top of the projection arm until the image is properly aligned onto a blank wall or drop-down projection screen.5. Move the table holding the overhead projector forward or backward (if necessary) until the projection image approximates the size of the projection screen or blank wall space.

2. Put an overhead transparency on top of the Apartment lodgings glass surface of the projector. Transparencies can be written on directly with a wet erase overhead pen. Alternatively, a transparency can be fed into a laser printer, and cue from programs such as spreadsheets and databases can be directly printed on the transparency.

3. Turn on the overhead projector. Most machines have a large, circular button on the front for this purpose, but on/off switch locations can vary.

4.1. Put the overhead projector on a low table that is 2 to 3 feet off the floor. Practise confident the overhead projector is plugged into a dependable dynamism source.

6. Turn the circular knob at the top of the projector arm until the projected image comes into focus.

7. Press the on/off button again when finished with your presentation. Allow the overhead projector to completely cool down before using it again.