Friday, June 26, 2015

Draw Female Art Models

Female Craft models are ofttimes a words Craft students compose in party.

One of the first off subjects a Undergraduate of Craft Testament gain to allure is a female representation. Sketch from a human design is a ace journey to memorize generate Craft that is realistic and it enables you to memorize about drawing shapes, contours and shadows, which create depth and a life-like appearance.


1. Use a charcoal stick or a pencil to create a blind contour drawing of the female model on a clean page in your sketch pad. A blind contour drawing is an outline of the subject that is done without looking at your paper. This is to test your observational skills and relies on your hand-eye coordination.

2. Stare at your drawing. You will not typically be instructed to draw blindly, so you will want to create a new drawing where you will alternately Stare at the model and your paper.

3. Turn to a clean sheet in your sketch pad. Sketch the female model from scratch, using a pencil or charcoal stick. Start with her head and work your way down. Capture the lifelike effects in your drawing by adding shading. Your instructor may ask the model to switch positions so the artists can create additional drawings.5. Examine models in magazines at home. Practice drawing female figures by using photos of the models in magazines as a guide.

Use the side of your pencil or the charcoal's tip to create lighter shading and press harder to achieve darker shading.4. Sketch the female model in different poses.