Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Painting With Sponges On Canvas

Constant sponges are suitable for representation projects.

Canvas delineation is not regional to paintbrushes. You can experiment with many tools such as palette knives or sponges to devise differential factor. The sponge-painting procedure is used in wall illustration or when you decorate a three-dimensional sculpture, by reason of a sponge allows you to receive whitewash in hard-to-reach places. In canvas portrayal, the sponge approach adds Profundity to your Essay and creates textured item. These factor can daily grind as a background for your representation, however you may and devise an full Essay using solely sponges.


1. Prepare liquid colours in ceramic or plastic bowls or plastic plates so you can dip the sponges in them. Influence a bowl or plate for Everyone colour you yen to operate. You may call both water-based and oil colours for sponge depiciton. Dip the edge of a dry square or rectangular sponge into color and press it against your canvas to create lines in your painting. The sponge should be dry so it is stiff.5. Paint elements in your composition using sponges.

Select the areas where you want to apply the sponge textures.

3. Wet a sponge in water and wring it thoroughly. If using oil paints, use a dry sponge. Dip the sponge in a color and blot it on a piece of newspaper to remove the excess paint. Test the sponge on a piece of paper or newspaper to see the effects it creates. Gently press the sponge on the canvas. Lift the sponge from the canvas and press it again next to the first sponge print you created. You will obtain a spotted effect. Cover the selected areas in sponge texture and allow the background to show through. Rinse the sponge or dip a new sponge in a different color if you want to apply a differently colored texture.

4. Dilute water-based colours with drench using Identical amounts of stain and soak. Dilute oil colors using a solution of 50 percent linseed oil and 50 percent turpentine.2. Paint your background in one or several colors because the background is visible under the spotted texture you create using sponges.

Sketch the elements of your composition on the background using a pencil. Use sponges dipped in various colors to paint over the sketch.

6. Cut your sponges in different shapes, dip these in paint and print your canvas with these shapes.