Thursday, December 24, 2015

Why Is A Good Art Portfolio

A deluxe Craft portfolio is composed of strong pieces that apply a array of techniques, media, styles and subject matter. No two pieces should be similar and only the strongest work should be represented.


You should provide evidence of mastering techniques such as tonal shading, hatching, cross-hatching, stippling and blending. Subjects should be realistically depicted and attention should be given to proportion and scale.


The artist should include examples of work using a variety of media such as colored pencil, charcoal, ink, pen, paint, gouache and digital media.

Edit out any weaker work and only include pieces that demonstrate mastery.


Make sure your artwork and portfolio are clean, neat and well-organized. The pieces should be displayed in a consistent manner.

Subject Matter

The portfolio should exhibit a range of subject matter, such as architecture, the human figure, plants, landscapes, animals, still-life and a self-portrait.

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A good portfolio should contain around 10 to 12 strong pieces.


Only one or two pieces should demonstrate a use of artistic styles, such as cubism or abstract expressionism, to show the range of the artist. That artist may choose the styles to be displayed.