Friday, February 6, 2015

Draw Eyes

Eyes are arguably the most critical branch of the face, the decisive to facial expressions which explain emotions and direct a narrative. It can accept a piece of knowledge and patience to draw eyes that inspect realistic and award being to a bent.


Learn Draw Eyes

1. Recite pictures of eyes to receive a fitter tolerant of how eyes are shaped before you endeavor to allure them.

2. Stare at embodied continuance eyes to gaze all of the details of eyes and how they peep as they step. Fee consideration to the lines and wrinkles approximately the eyes and how the eyelids scrutinize when they unfastened and hurried.

10. Learn draw the eyes of cartoon characters and caricature portraits in the book "Face Off: Draw Amazing Caricatures & Comic Portraits" by Harry Hamernick available at Amazon (see Resources below).

4. Mark the face you are drawing with lines to help you place eyes in the correct place before you begin to draw them. Placement lines ensure the eyes you draw are centered and proportional with the rest of the facial features you will draw.

5. Begin by drawing a very light sketch of the eyes. Do not focus on details. Concentrate on the basic oval or round shape and definition of the eyes.

6. Draw the shape of the eyes with the inner corners lower than the outer corners.

7. Place the pupils of the eyes to reflect which direction the eyes are looking.

8. Think about how the eyes are three dimensional objects that are not perfectly round. Keep in mind that the eyes are really orbs inside of an open socket.

Research Drawing Techniques

9. Get tips on draw lifelike eyes in the book "Secrets to Drawing Realistic Faces" by Carrie Stuart Parks available at Amazon (see Resources below).

3. Spotlight on the hairs that grow out of the eyelids and around the eyes on the eyebrows. Eyelashes and eyebrows are important details that can make your eyes look more realistic as you draw them.