Thursday, June 25, 2015

Fresh paint Pine Trees

A pine tree scenery

Pine trees convey constitution to a delineation. When you tint pine trees or any accustomed item, avail at least two colours on the paintbrush at a generation. This Testament advice you avoid a cartoon style backlash by giving your labour realistic texture and adding dimension. Clean the brush. Load it with blue and green paint. Do not mix the colors.

1. Start with the trunk. Pines typically have long, slender trunks with a slight bend to them. Load your paintbrush with brown, gray and white. Do not blend the colors. Turn the brush so the bristles create a vertical line. Dab the brush in vertical strokes to create the trunk, lifting slightly but not completely between strokes. The unmixed colors will create the texture of bark. Keep your wrist loose. If you are worried about mistakes, draw the trunk with a pencil first.

2. Use the same three unmixed colors to create the branches. Start with the paintbrush on the trunk and move it outward in short strokes. The branches should be longest at the bottom. They should grow shorter as they move up the tree so that they form a slightly irregular triangle.

3. The succeeding directions occupation for oil or acrylic paints. Touch paper to differ the colours to match your personal style. One decided system to arrange this is by using Supplementary, or diametrically opposed, colors instead of similar ones.


Create small, overlapping strokes that begin at the branches and move out from them. It is OK to cover the branches partially or completely, depending on how full you want the foliage.