Thursday, November 27, 2014

A Homemade Gift Of Snowman'S Soup Inside A Jar

Commit you loved ones the bounty of snowman's soup to detain them lukewarm on chilled days.

4. Fill a canning jar 3/4 of the way full with the mixture.5.

1. Sit a mesh strainer over a bulky bowl.

2. Pour 5 cups of powdered milk, 2 1/2 cups powdered sugar, 3/4 cups cocoa powder and 3/4 cup of powdered non-dairy creamer into the mesh strainer. Break up any lumps with a spoon.

3. Stir the ingredients with a spoon to mix them well.

When the weather out is frightful, enjoying a Mug of snowman soup Testament build you observe delightful. Snowman soup is resembling to close cocoa, however it consists of ingredients that award it a richer taste. Snowman soup allows you to bequeath a decorative bestowal that Testament not worth a quota of boodle. After you fabricate the snowman soup homogenize, arrange not forget to comprehend the directions so that the recipient can cotton to the soup properly.


Add a layer of mini marshmallows and chocolate chips to the top of the mixture.

6. Seal the jar with a lid and screw ring. Tie a piece of ribbon around a candy cane, and then tie the candy cane around the jar.

7. Write the instructions for the soup on the back of a gift tag. The instructions will state that the recipient will need to add three heaping spoonfuls of snowman soup to a glass of boiling water. Stir the soup with the candy cane and enjoy. Tie the gift tag around the jar with decorative ribbon.