Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Frost Glass Home windows

Frosted windows develop transluscent however don't declare detailed images.

Frosted glass windows sanction anticipated lambent to pass through while blurring the carbon copy to protect privacy. Frosting glass may be a skilled alternative to blinds or shades when you need To admit as all the more aglow as doable to pass over the window, without it career completely obvious. There are a combo of methods for frosting glass windows yourself, and which one you choose Testament depend on how permanent you require the frosting to be and the materials with which you are comfortable working.


Temporary Frosting Spray

1. Intersect the tracing paper so it covers the surface of the glass and attach it to the window with fleeting adhesive.

2. Haul a conception. These shapes Testament be preserved when you manipulate the frosting spray, and can be mild or heterogeneous. Through one shot the designed cutouts Testament be covered, remainder of the window Testament at the end fully obvious. In consequence, provided your goal is to frost your window thoroughly, keep the shapes small and with frequent repetition.

3. Cut out the design and reapply the tracing paper.

4. Apply the frosting spray. Allow the spray to settle before removing the tracing paper. You may lightly spray the uncovered area if desired. To remove the frosting, use a cloth or blade.

9. Add ground white lead. Make the mixture very thin.10.

6. Apply shelf paper or frosted window film. Smooth out all air bubbles that form beneath the film with a wallpaper brush.

7. Allow to settle. After about two minutes, the adhesive will combine with the soap and water to make the frost permanent.

White Lead Mixture

8. Combine 3 parts varnish with 1 part turpentine. Make enough of the mixture to spread across the entire glass surface you wish to cover.

Permanent Frost

5. Clean the window and spray it with a soap-and-water mixture.

Add burnt white vitriol and white sugar of lead. These substances act as a drier.

11. Paint mixture onto glass. Spread evenly with a broad brush. If you wish to apply another coat, first remove the previous one. Lye may be used to remove the mixture, or a mixture of 2 parts hydrochloric acid, 2 parts vitriol, 1 part copper sulfate and 1 part gum arabic.