Sunday, November 30, 2014

What's The Concept Of Montage In Art

Montage refers to a method of assembling pieces of seperate photographic images into a integral.


Photomontages saw brief revivals in the 1960s when it became infused with pop art, and in the 1980s when it became associated with political activism. Two of the most famous practitioners during these periods were artist Peter Kennard and animator Terry Gilliam.

Nowadays, montage can be achieved using high-tech software such as Adobe Photoshop.


Montage always had a populist curved to its themes. While picture required skill and procedure, anyone could decrease images gone of a Periodical and glue them cool.


The Dadaists in the 1920s became the most famous practitioners of montage. They saw it as a a way to avoid abstractionism without returning to naturalist forms of painting.

The object is to attract connections to formerly disconnected images, and make a latest agreement away of disconnected parts.


Montage began with the earliest days of photography, with dudes cutting and assembling two pictures to adjust one form.


Montage in film is the assembling of disconnected shots into a greater whole. It's often used to depict the passage of time, though like photomontage, it can also be used to link otherwise unrelated shots thematically.