Thursday, November 20, 2014

Obtain The Right Mind Room On Professional Tools For Recording In The Home Music Studio

Word to noise ratio is an influential control in inland studio disc. Accept some of the gear you adoption the most and assessment it in Pro Tools. Cause indication of where the metre on a channel strip is in Pro Tools when the VU metre on the preamp is at nada or higher. Pro Tools HD interfaces, enjoy the 192, own a calibration funds you can operate to tweak your hardware.2.

1. Recognize your Accoutrement. It is big to discriminate where your word from your analog preamps registers in the digital cosmos of Pro Tools. In the days of analog tape video, deluxe expression to din ratio was achieved by worry the term close and minimizing mind time. And than feasible, you are using digital software adore Pro Tools to log, so the rules of head room alternate. Here are some tips for getting the good belief extension in Pro Tools.


Conserve your signal from clipping in Pro Tools. Pushing analog gear often gives you an edgy and full sound. Analog distortion can even sometimes be desirable. Digital clipping is not pleasant and is nearly impossible to fix after it happens. The only way to keep from dealing with digital distortion is to be sure Pro Tools doesn't clip. Keep your levels below clipping in Pro Tools at all costs.

3. Get your signal to noise ratio right on the analog side. Any noise you have on a track is most likely from analog gear because digital floor noise is nearly non-existent. Because of this, you can have low Pro Tools signal and have a great signal to noise ratio as long as you have good signal to noise on your analog preamps and mics.

4. Use compression and limiting to keep from overloading Pro Tools. You can still get high levels but protect yourself with a little compression or limiting. Utilizing compression to control your peaks will give you an overall higher signal. Consider layers of compression to keep it sounding natural while maintaining optimal signal.

5. Utilize your bit depth. The reason to not record everything as low as possible in Pro Tools is because you utilize your bit resolution more when you have a hotter signal. One way to receive more head room without sacrificing resolution is by upping your bit depth. Try recording in 24 bit even if you are planning to bounce at 16 bit. It will increase your head room and your resolution, but beware that your audio files will take up more hard drive space.