Friday, November 28, 2014

Silk Screen Print

Andrew Warhol was noted for his silk Shade prints.

Silk Shade printing allows artists to constitute matching versions of the twin facsimile. You besides can colouring on the counterpart to construct bitty variations of the equivalent print. Silk screens are one of the fastest and easiest ways to cause prints, and they can be applied to paper, t-shirts, or other surfaces to create distinctive works of Craft. Although you can shop for pre-assembled kits from Craft stores, it's light Sufficiently to levy well-balanced your own kits and embark on creation silk Shade prints.


1. Bring about a fair and atramentous contour picture on a parcel of paper. Certify that your represantation is bold so that it can be traced easily. Tape your picture onto a job surface so that it it doesn't action. Fix your profession world somewhere that can be cleaned easily and that you don't conception getting stain.

2. Rest your silkscreen over the top of your carved figure by suspending it on bottle caps. Any inconsequential uniform surface Testament close, as great as the distance between the Shade and your paper is minimal. Assemble sure that that the silkscreen is slightly larger than your image, so that the entire image fits inside the screen.

3. Put on your apron and gloves before continuing your silk screen image, as the drawing fluid and screen filler can get messy. Trace your image onto the silkscreen using the drawing fluid and a fine paintbrush. Only trace the details you want to show up on the final image. Let the drawing fluid dry. You will know it's dry when it looks shiny.

4. Place the image on the sheet of cardboard and pour out the screen filer fluid at the top of the image. Screen fluids and screen filler are not all mutually compatible, so it's a good idea to use the same brand for both. Use a squeegee to evenly pull the the screen filler fluid over the image. Let it dry.

5. Use a hose or pressurized water source To cleanse the screen. This will make for a more even print. Let the screen dry for about a day. Use a brush To cleanse any areas of the screen that are not clear. Ensure that all of the blue drawing fluid has been washed away. Press your screen down onto the surface you want to silkscreen. If this is your first silk screen, you may want to try out the print on paper before applying the image to other surfaces such as fabric. Let your print dry.

These can be purchased at most art supplies stores and will save you the time of creating a wooden frame yourself. Ensure that the screen is pulled tight to make for the best quality images.

7. Pour ink onto your framed screen and use the squeegee to ensure that you apply an even coating of the ink to all parts of the print. Attach water resistant tape to the perimeter of your image. Do not cover any parts of the image you want to show up on your prints.6. Attach your screen to a frame.