Friday, November 28, 2014

Begin A Drill Team

Starting a drill band is apparent whether you corner determination and control skills. Aggregate a batch of girls in sync, sincere tryouts and pick a duo. You decide the hour ranges and how many girls you hope for on your contingent. Once you chalk up the basic details pinched up and a batch of keen participants, starting a drill team is no occupation at all.


1. Levy an advertisement in your community paper for girls caught in participating on a drill team. Make sure you state age requirements and the date and time where tryouts will be located. To keep advertising costs down, stick with the basics. Any other bits of information can be addressed during the first meeting.

2. Find a few older girls with drill team experience to lead the team. Tryouts include learning a drill team routine. The leaders you choose will teach the dance to the candidates.

3. Type out your rules and regulations for membership on your drill team. Hand out permission slips. Require all girls to have a parent's signature in order to join the team. Pass out your paperwork on the first tryout date and educate each girl as to what is involved. Spend part of the first day answering questions.

4. Line the girls up in straight lines, with tall girls in the back. Start by having the girls march left, left, left, right, left. A girl who cannot march cannot be on the drill team, so the ability to march is mandatory. The goal is to have the best drill team possible, so tryouts will greatly reduce your applicants.

5. Teach the girls the dance routine. While practicing the routine, have them march. Drill team members must have better than average coordination skills, because they will march and dance at the same time. Practice the routine over and over again. By the end of the day, the girls should have a basic idea of what is expected of them.

6. Hold your tryouts for as many days as necessary. You will know when the girls are ready. After you compile your list of those who make the team, sit them down and call the names of the chosen girls. There is no easy way to do this; some girls won't make it. But the ones who do will be the best.

7. Choose a captain and a co-captain from the chosen girls. After careful consideration, choose the two girls who perform the best. Your drill team captain and co-captain will lead all routines. Uniform companies put out catalogs with pictures and descriptions of the uniforms they carry. It is your choice whether you will choose the uniforms yourself or take a poll and vote on the teams favorites. Because it is your team, it is ultimately your decision (see Resources below).

They must be dedicated and determined leaders.8. Order your drill team uniforms.