Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Write Capital Letters H Through P In Calligraphy

Calligraphy is the Craft of appealing hand. Marriage invitations, diplomas, inscriptions and other formal manuscripts repeatedly handle calligraphy for its artistic and nice lines. A bad levy to begin when learning this charming Craft is with money letters. Here you'll get down formation important letters H-P.


Letter H

1. Open with a compound curve. Levy your calligraphy pen at the top of the path and author a shallow "s" cast.

2. Act to the ethical side of the send and produce a lower-case "l." First step slightly lower than the left side of the send and curve down at the backside. Limitation by looping outside into a tiny tail.

3. Stop the send by looping down from the top of the ethical side of the H to the honorable. Dream up a minor loop, then pass concluded the two sides, connecting the H in the Centre. Keep at the string, swooping down to the left. Whether you prefer the bad eye, you can add an exaggerated "v" cast to the left of the correspondence.

4. Dawn to the left and compose two diminutive connected curves; curve up a short road, then curve down the twin distance, then curve back up, Final as the "v" contour meets the top left of your H.

Letter I

5. Embark on with a compound curve decent as you did with mail H.

6. Modification to the top of the compound curve, and dwelling your pen slightly too up and to the conscientious of your first off path.

7. Swoop your pen downward in a "c" locomotion, cutting approximately partly buttoned up the compound curve. Pass completed the inceptive curve, and aim with your a brief tail curving upward.

Letter J

8. Build a lenghty, miniature compound curve. You longing to come down all told a bit too than a traditional compound curve, and assemble it slightly less Broad.

9. Starting at the backside of the curve, keep on the edge elsewhere to the left and connect it back to the lower half of the curve to make a stem loop.


Letter P

25. Create a compound curve.26

End by curving back up to the top of the first compound curve.

Letter L

14. Begin with the standard compound curve, but continue the end of the stroke out longer to the bottom left.15.

13. Finish the back end as you did with the letter H, with an accentuated "v." Start a small distance from the top of the back portion of the letter. Make a small curve up, then down the same distance. For the forward portion of the K, start slightly higher than the first curve. Swoop down, curving in to meet the back portion of the K slightly below the halfway point.12. Meet the curve, then make a slight curve upward, then dip back down and end in a small upward tail.

Take the end of the compound curve in a very small loop and continue the line out to the right. Curve the line up slightly.

16. Finish the L by coming from the top of the letter down and to the left, creating a backward "c." Pass through the compound curve and curve up to the right.

Letter M

17.Start with a compound curve, only start your pen at the bottom. From the top of the line, continue downward in a very shallow curve.

18. Make a shallow curve in the center, almost as narrow as a "v" shape. Continue the line all the way to the top of the form.

19. Transmit down in the exact same pattern, only end with a short upward tail.

Letters N and O

20. Create your first hairline stroke in a subtle upward curve.

21. Turn your paper so it's horizontal to your chest; normally you'd write at a slant, but for this step, you want to turn your paper.

22. Make a compound curve that ends just shy of 12:00 at the bottom of the stroke, vertically; it will be a tight curve.

23. Finish with a very light hairline curve, starting at the bottom of the compound curve and ending to the top-right side of the form.

24. Draw letter O by starting at the top and create a large oval shape, ending where you began. This letter is fairly basic.

Finish the letter the same way we finished letter I: from the top of the compound curve, swoop downward in a "c" motion, cutting through the curve and ending to the right in a small tail.

Letter K

11. Begin with the compound curve.

Bring your pen behind the left side of the curve, slightly below the top of the form. Loop the line around, down and to the left. Continue the line all the way up, in a circular fashion, meeting the compound curve at the top.


Continue the line around, passing through the original curve and looping downward. End on the right side of the curve, about halfway down.