Monday, January 26, 2015

Perform The Cloud Effect In Corel Draw

Add a cloud denouement to any photograph.

A cloud chain reaction is a trick on Corel Trail that can assemble any picture delightful. Creation a cloud effect is intelligible Sufficiently to arrange and after you determine it, you Testament be able to boost any picture. All you carry to cook is choose the prerrogative colours and the honorable tools to end. Luckily, the menus on Corel Draw acquiesce you to attract cloud thing easily.

At the top of the Corel Draw menu, click on the Interactive Fill tool and drag it over your new rectangle. From here, the Fill tool will let you choose the colors that you want to fill your rectangle with. For a cloud effect, you will want light blues and some white shades. From here, adjust the proportions properly (there will be an option on the Color menu that will allow you to add more white than blue or more blue than white).

Right-click to the square to remove its outline.

2. Fill it in.


1. Choose your shape. WIth Corel Trail expanded, find the Rectangle tool, at the top of the page, and draw a rectangle.

3. Draw items in the sky. To complete your cloud effect, draw some birds using the Line tool. Connect two small lines to make a V-shape to make the effect of birds flying through the clouds.