Monday, July 27, 2015

Do Photo Matting

Choosing mats for a photo.

Matting is the modus operandi of manufacture a coloured or decorative path between the path of a photo and the borderline of a frame. Matting gives any photo a adept took. You can salary someone to mat a photo for you, however you could act it yourself and save some chips. Materials needed to mat a photo are available at any Art shop. Mats can area from one layer to many layers. You can entertain a and know onions eyeful whether you custom indefinite layers of mat.


1. Using the straight wrinkle and Art lancet, decrease a rectangle 3 3/4 inches by 5 3/4 inches from the Centre of the mat that Testament frame your photo. Section from the front side of the mat to make a cleaner cut. This will be called mat 1.

2. Using the straight edge and craft knife, cut a rectangle 4 inches by 6 inches from the middle of the mat that will frame the mat in step 1. This will be called mat 2.

3.7. Place the finished product onto the original back of the photo frame. Place the mat and photo into your photo frame.

Glue mat 3 onto mat 2 leaving a 1/4-inch overlap on mat 2.

6. Glue or tape the three-layer mat onto your photo.

Using the straight edge and craft knife, cut a rectangle 4 1/4 inches by 6 1/4 inches for the top mat. This will be called mat 3.4. Glue mat 2 onto mat 1 leaving a 1/4-inch overlap on mat 1.5.