Sunday, January 18, 2015

Create A Photo Pad

Photo Mat Cutting

A photo mat is an main constituent of framing a photograph. It sets it absent, showing it off seperate from the frame. Persuaded, you can acquire them or still keep them custom unreal for your photo project, nevertheless why not constitute your own? Dish out it a shot to behold whether your results are passable or more select. Administer photo mat sheets are inexpensive and you can easily intersect it to fit your photo and frame.


1. Assign your photo mat upside down on a Disinfected surface. You conclude not requirement to create any marks on the front side or they Testament panoply up clearly when it is under glass. You Testament besides wish the surface to be something that you don't intellect cutting on, adoration a abundance of cardboard or wood in that the razor line of the mat cutter Testament score it.

2. Degree the proportions of your frame. Site this on your photo mat, and intersect it with a habitual utility knife and a steel straight column. Acquisition the center of the newly cut mat by measuring from side to side and from top to bottom. Divide these both in half and mark where they meet in the middle of the mat.

4. Pencil in the square you wish to cut out using the markings you previously made. Place your steel straight edge along the first line you wish to cut. Set your mat cutter right up against it, and push or pull it slowly but firmly along the edge, starting 1/4 inch before the line and going 1/4 inch beyond it. Take the side measurement and divide it in half to get your photo center point. Start with the center point on the mat and measure out the half measurement figure you got for your photo. Do the same procedure for the top-to-bottom measurement.

3. Measure your photo. Make sure you leave at least a 1/4 inch around the edge so that it sits behind the mat and no edges are showing. Alternatively, you can use a utility knife, but the mat cutter holds the blade at a precise angle for a professional edge.

5. Cut each of the other three sides in the same manner, making sure to cut all the way through. Lift the photo mat sheet up carefully and remove the middle section. Turn it over and inspect for clean edges. The photo mat is now ready for your framing application.