Monday, January 26, 2015

Create A Box Drum

A effortless box drum is an choice portable drum with a angelic and sui generis sound and is relatively facile to fabricate. Everyone finished box drum will own its own distinctive sound, depending on the type of wood used, the thickness, and the patterns that chalk up been pinched.


1. Haul slit patterns on the four pieces of wood. Make the box. Glue and nail the edges of the four pattern pieces together. The final box drum will be open at both ends.

3. Cut carefully on the lines drawn with the coping saw.

4. The patterns should be as barn door as doable while yet allowing approximately one inch on all sides of all of the edges. The patterns should be haggard affection the letters I, H, Z and L, one base on Everyone piece of wood.2. Drill holes on all the angles of the patterns To admit for easy insertion of the saw blade.

5. Decorate the drum if you wish. Try drawing tribal or simple designs with permanent black marker or painting a picture on each panel and finishing with a nice wood stain or lacquer.

6. Play the box drum by laying it down on any side. Using a mallet or one or two drumsticks, experiment by tapping on different parts of the cut designs to play different tonal patterns.