Thursday, January 22, 2015

Repaint Rusty Bumpers

Repaint Rusty Bumpers

When it comes to gray-haired cars with metal bumpers, rust is a feature of activity unless the bumpers gain been properly cared for over the second childhood. Usually, bumpers longing to be repainted to restore their appearance. Representation them is relatively light, cheaper than chrome plating and can easily be done in a weekend.


1. Remove the bumper from the vehicle that it is mounted to. There are normally a numeral of bolts on the back of the bumper that clout it on. Bolt the bumper or bumpers back onto the vehicle.

Spray or brush on the emulsion stripper (depending on the type) and let it soak into the tint for fifteen minutes or so. Whitewash stripper is available at Car parts stores and hardware stores. Mop the whitewash off with a Disinfected rag, scraping off also persistent areas with a plastic scraper. Wear a respirator unless you are working absent, also as rubber gloves to protect your skin.

3. Provided there are sections of the bumper that accept been pitted or scratched, fill these in with a two-part, plastic protest filler. Combine the resin and the hardener according to the manufacturer's instructions and then handle it to the areas that commitment to be full. Concede it to dry and then sand it down with 180- and then 220-grit sandpaper.

4. Scuff the adequate surface of the bumper that is going to be painted with 220-grit sandpaper. Wipe the bumper down with a mineral spirits and a clean, dry lint-free rag. This needs to be done very thoroughly for the paint to properly adhere to the surface. Repeat until the surface is entirely free of oils and residue. Try not to touch the surface with your hands if you are not wearing rubber gloves.

5. Apply a very light coat of primer to the bumper and let it dry for a few minutes. Apply three to four heavier coats. Allow the primer to dry for at least an hour and then wet sand the bumper with lots of water and 220-grit sandpaper. Wipe the bumper down with mineral spirits.

6. Spray on a light dusting of the desired color of paint. Allow it to dry for a couple of minutes and then spray on two to four solid coats. Lighter colors will require more coats. Spray the paint in smooth back and forth motions about eight inches from the surface. In order to avoid runs, do not stay in one area too long or apply to much paint in one area.

7. Let the paint dry for several hours or preferably overnight. When the paint is completely dry, wet sand the bumper with 220-, 320-, 400-, 600- and then 800-grit sandpaper, using lots of water to minimize scratching the surface. Observe the bumper or consult a shop tome for your van for the licence Emigration procedure.2. Strip the debilitated tint from the bumper.