Monday, January 19, 2015

Fresh paint A Silhouette

The Finished Product - Me & Roommates

Any mistakes made with this color will be easier to cover with the darker color. Allow the paint to dry before you move onto a second and third coat. Don't move on to the dark color until you have done at least three coats of the light color.5.


1. Accumulate all your supplies, including two friends. Revenue the flashlight, canvas, pencil and friends to a caliginous space (provided it's Day, fast all the blinds; a bathroom doesn't assignment, you entail a besides distance between the flashlight and canvas.)

2. Hold a associate hold the flashlight from across the room and shine it in your direction. If you are making your own silhouette, hold the canvas to the wall while you stand directly in front of it casting your shadow onto the canvas. Stand still and have a friend trace your shadow onto the canvas as best as possible. If you are doing multiple silhouettes, take turns holding the canvas and tracing.

3. Try To cleanse up the tracing if needed. Set up a work station with paints lined up and a cup of water.

4. Start painting with the lightest color first.Complete you chalk up a piece of wall extent nevertheless rent and can't colouring them? Effort forming a individual Craft collection. Gloss a silhouette of yourself and your roommate (provided you annex one). The one collection brings something that is personal to your levy.

Once the light color is dry, move onto the dark color. Paint closest to the light color first, covering whatever mistakes you may have made. Repeat the process for three coats.

6. Once dry, give your painting a once over to determine if you like the results. Fix anything that maybe unfinished. Otherwise, hang your masterpiece.