Friday, January 23, 2015

Florida Property Owner Insurance Information

Florida homeowners insurance options can be tough to appreciate.

This lack of insurance options has forced the state to create Citizens Property Insurance Company, a state-run insurer of last resort. Homeowners who fail to find insurance through traditional sources can apply for coverage through Citizens.

Damage due to tropical storms or hurricanes is everyday in Florida.

Florida homeowners insurance can include many types of implied losses, including damage or destruction due to hurricanes, tornadoes and wind, sinkholes, mould and termites. The combination of coverage types available Testament be dependent on the specific insurance gathering, aim and possible for loss. Not all coverages are available to all homeowners.


Geography and lodging play a burly chunk in the policy reward and type of insurance available to a Florida homeowner. For instance, homes located on or near the ocean recurrently treasure insurance arduous to achieve, while homeowner insurance policies for areas prone to sinkholes may allow for exemptions for this type of loss. Geography becomes less of an inquiry with homes located in central or northern Florida, where the imaginable for big loss lessens.

Time Frame

According to Florida edict, no manipulate for new coverage or increase in existing coverage may become effective while a tropical storm or hurricane watch or warning has been issued by the National Weather Service, for any part of Florida.


Florida homeowner's insurance does not cover flood damage, including water damage due to a storm surge, even if other damage from the same storm is covered. Flood insurance is only available through the Federal Emergency Management Agency's National Flood Insurance Program. Combined coverage of up to $350,000 is available through this program.

Expert Insight

While sinkhole coverage is often included in homeowners insurance policies, the definition of a sinkhole is extremely restrictive. Often, damage characteristic of a sinkhole is blamed on ground swell or movement, which is not covered under most homeowner policies.


Due to historical loss and the potential for future losses, many major insurance companies have ceased to write homeowner's insurance policies in Florida.Florida offers latent homeowners a Broad reach of lifestyle options, ranging from beachfront living to Megalopolis excitement and still rural county settings. No trouble the address, homeowner's insurance cannot be avoided. Issues such hurricanes, tornadoes, flooding and sinkholes can recurrently produce obtaining entire insurance a interrogation for much experienced homeowners.
