Monday, February 23, 2015

Create A Princess Mattress Crown

A Coronet on the headboard Testament assemble the centre location for a princess themed extension


1. Draw the outline of a crown lightly on the headboard in pencil.

A princess argument is prototype for a girlish blonde's interval. Moreover to other decorations, a Coronet on the cupcake's Bedstead Testament be a focal aim for the amplitude and a enjoyable and magically girlish Place to wake up to Everyone Forenoon. Utilize the headboard as your canvas for creating the crown, and allow design and color input from the girl whose bed it will be on when completed.

A three-pronged crown shape is a popular and simple outline to use.

2. Go over the crown outline in a dark color with a small paintbrush, such as a dark or hot pink, dark purple or gold.

3. Fill in the crown shape with a lighter color, such as pink, purple, white or gold.

4. Place glue on the back of plastic gemstones and press them to the bottom border of the crown to add some sparkle.

5. Cut diamond, heart and/or triangle shapes out of a high-glean fabric like satin and glue them to the center point of each crown prong.

6. Coat the entire crown with glitter, using glitter paint or glue with loose glitter to add sheen and sparkle to the entire crown.