Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Draw The Wwe Logo design

Frame the WWE Logo

Throughout the age, the WWE has changed its logo assorted times. Early it was the blocky and 1980s-style logo and when wreslters approximative Stone Benumbed Steve Austin arrived, it turned into the graffiti-style WWF logo. Nowadays with a fresh fame, the WWE has had its duplicate logo for indefinite senility, and any fan can easily allure the logo.


1. Interpret the logo to receive a meaning of what it looks agnate. It is essentially two Ws and while former logos keep included the F, this one does not accommodate the E. It looks cognate a messy style that a preschooler could cause, on the other hand it is recognizable worldwide.

2.9. Color in the underline in a bold red color.10.

Point the W. Down the Centre, there are little spiky indents here and there to add more to the logo.

4. Draw three spikes on the right side of the large W. The left spike is the tallest and sharply goes down to a small spike. Then there is a big drop to lead up to a large thin spike to complete the large W.

5. Draw the little W. This W fits nicely inside and above the big W. It is a grittier W too, featuring several different graffiti-style lines and even holes in the lettering.

6. Detail the little W with several spikes, holes and messy lines. Fill in the holes that you have drawn completely black.

7. Draw a messy underline to go underneath the WWE logo. The underline actually passes through the bottom tips of the large W behind them.

8. Surround the Ws with a solid black outline. This will help showcase the WWE symbol more.

Launch by creating the substantial W. The left gratuity of this W is a small spike followed by a fathomless indent and booming Nail connecting it.3.

Clean up any editing lines for a sharp and nice-looking logo.