Thursday, February 26, 2015

Distinction Between A Montage & A Collage

The techniques of montage and collage are closely linked with both requiring the utilize of contrary media working across different artistic techniques, including literature, movie, sound cd and photography.

The vocable collage can mention to both the procedure and the resulting portion of Craft that is produced by combining different media. A montage is created using a variety of techniques across different media and can include three-dimensional objects.


According to Britain's Tate Gallery, the montage is more formal than a collage and is used to create either a complete piece of art or part of a larger work of art.


A collage is a Essay of materials and objects pasted over a surface; a montage is a unmarried Essay created by juxtaposing a series of pieces of paper, photos or other media to constitute an artistic carbon copy.



The photomontage was first used by Dadaists to express political dissent in 1915; it's essentially a collage of photographs used to express an idea.

Film Montage

During the 1920s, the montage was adopted by Soviet filmmakers who used the idea to express different perspectives of a movie scene by cutting between different shots. The montage is often seen as a more politically motivated artwork than the collage.