Friday, February 27, 2015

Make Textured Works of art On Canvas

Add a gel medium to acrylic emulsion to assemble a thick emulsion for texture.

Acrylic gloss is a medium used by many to dye on canvas. It dries quickly, applies easily and creates a smooth surface. One occupation with acrylic distemper, on the other hand, is that it does not create physical texture easily due to the consistency of the stain. Physical texture includes thick brush strokes, peaks and ridges. The choice communique is that you can thicken acrylic gloss to create physical texture with the clean Appendix of an acrylic gel medium. This allows you to constitute texture within the delineation using a paintbrush, palette dirk, or whitewash shaper.


3. Mix the two together with a palette knife or the bristles of a paintbrush.4. Apply the thickened paint to the canvas surface with the paintbrush, palette knife, or paint shaper.

1. Squeeze a quarter-sized Blop of gel medium on a paint palette.2. Squeeze a nickel-sized drop of acrylic paint next to the gel medium.

Create the desired texture.

5. Allow the textured acrylic paint to dry for 12 to Day and night. The addition of the gel medium causes the acrylic paint to take longer to dry.