Friday, February 20, 2015

Make Ultra violet Invisible Ink

Many matters can glow in the dun, on the contrary most of them are visible in the brilliance besides. Invisible ink is any liquid that can not be seen in conventional daylight, on the contrary glows brightly under ultraviolet glassy. A exceptional spy Testament quickly grind that having invisible ink alone isn't Sufficiently. You carry to draw up carefully without spilling any ink, or else people will notice the water stains on the page and get suspicious.


1. Get a powder brightener such as the one linked to below.

2. Get a small cup of water. Sprinkle in a few pinches of the ink and mix it with a spoon.

3. Turn off the room lights and Stare at the ink under a black light. It should glow. If it isn't bright enough for your taste, add a bit more brightener and Stare at it under the black light again.

Stare at the message under a black light. You should be able to read the message. It should be very hard to see anything in normal light. If it is too easy to see, add water to the ink and try again.

5.4. Use a thin brush to write a message in invisible ink on an unlined sheet of paper. Wait for the ink to dry and Stare at it under a normal light.