Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Draw Cartoon Funny Faces

Allure Cartoon Comical Faces

Delineation cartoon funny faces is an Craft in itself and one of the most hep types of picture. It requires carefulness to arrangement and shape, fair-minded approximating usual delineation and ultimate exaggeration of facial features. You essential to memorize a hardly any basic shapes and cede those shapes Profundity and conformation, and you devoir to assemble those shapes into antic, cartoon images.


1. Trail an oval and equitable sketch it in lightly. This character is funny, so draw two "eggs" that are leaning against each other, which are a little bit fatter on the bottom. Add two smaller circles for pupils.4. Draw a large teardrop shape that is very fat at the bottom for the nose, right below the eyes; the top of this shape should connect with or overlap the bottom of the eyes. The fatter the nose, the funnier your character will look.

This line can go straight through the middle of your face or off to the side, depending on where your cartoon is looking.

3. Draw the eyes on the horizontal line. This Testament define the intellect of your cartoon face.2. Haul a horizontal edge to set up where your eyes Testament go, and then draw a vertical line to set up the center of the face.

5. Draw in an orange wedge shape tilted on its side, with the left edge lined up with the center of the nose. This mouth is a funny mouth, cocked off to one side. Then draw, inside the mouth, the top of a heart shape, without the pointed bottom, to define the shape of a tongue. Fill in remainder of the area around the tongue with dark pencil.

6. Add the eyebrows. Draw two arches well above the eyes, making them curved like horseshoes. The more curved, the funnier your character will look. Fill them in with vertical cross hatches.

7. Add a chin, a simple small horseshoe shape, right above the very bottom of the head, and below the mouth. This is a simple line with no shading.