Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Sequentially Number Elements In Word

Whether you hog elements such as tables or figures within your Microsoft Word 2003 record you may bargain the obligation to sequentially amount them. You can easily accomplish this with the "seq" field code.


1. You choose what you want to name the elements but keep it the same for each instance of the element. For example if it is a group of tables, you could choose the name "tables" (without the quotations.) Your final field may look like this - {seq tables}.5. Press the F9 function key on your keyboard to update the field code and show your field result.

Use the keyboard shortcut of CTRL+F9 to insert a pair of field brackets where you have specified. Verify that the insertion point is in between the pair of field brackets before continuing.

4. Type "seq" (without the quotations) and the name of the element that you want to sequentially number. Start Microsoft Word 2003 and open a document from your files that contains items such as tables or figures that you would like to number within your document.2. Click to place the insertion point at the spot in which you would like to enter the first sequential number.3.

The item you entered the field code for should now show a result of "1."

6. Continue to number the rest of the elements in the same method. Be sure to use the same name you have chosen for the first element if you wish to continue numbering the elements sequentially in relation to each other.