Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Help Make Your Own Felt Artwork Display For Kids

Felt boards annex a elongate tradition in classrooms. Their flexibility and reusability brew them a belongings for teachers. While many companies sell pre-made felt displays along with pre-cut figures, it is a no problem occupation for a teacher to cook up his own affectation. A hand-crafted one allows the teacher -- or origin -- to build one that is custom sized for the room available. She can besides reduce gone felt pieces using printables from the Interlacing or magazines as templates.

Fold the corners into triangles, cutting off excess fabric.4. Staple the felt into place on the back of the board.

If it will be a permanent display, it can be as large as a chalkboard or bulletin board display. If you wish it to be portable, you may wish to keep it to under three square feet.

2. Add six inches to each dimension and cut that size from a bolt of felt fabric. Choose felt that is a neutral color so you can build multiple types of artwork displays upon it.

3. Fold the fabric over your chosen piece of wood with the three inches on each side wrapping over to the back of the wood. Smooth the fabric over the top to ensure there are no wrinkles.


1. Degree the size of the particle board or parcel of wood you annex chosen to be the foundation of your felt artwork display. The size will depend on how you plan to use the display.

Staple all the way around so that the fabric is held securely in place.

5. Cut felt shapes out of multiple colors of felt to create the artwork display of your choosing. Use blue felt to create sky or water, green to create grass or brown to create mountains and beaches. Cut out geometric shapes in various colors to create tessellations or to demonstrate different styles of artwork.