Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Go To The Philadelphia Toy Museum

For doll collectors and doll lovers, the Philadelphia Doll Museum is the city To stay with. The museum is located on North Wide Street in the feelings of the municipality. The aim of the museum is to maintain the legend of dolls and contribute visitors with the chance to study dolls from environing the field.


1. Stop the Philadelphia Doll Museum on the weekends. The museum has resident hours and is peerless direct Thursday concluded Sunday. Opening hours vary, on the other hand it closes Diurnal at 4 p.m.

2. Shop for admission tickets. Tickets to the museum only cost a few dollars for both adults and children.4. Check out the large collection of black dolls. The museum houses over 300 dolls of color and uses these dolls to show the way that black people have been perceived over the course of history.5.

If you log onto their website, you can find discounts on admission.3. Call the museum ahead of time to schedule a tour. If you are interested in learning a detailed history about the dolls in the collection, call the museum to see when you and your group can receive a guided tour.

Find out the history of black dolls. The oldest dolls in the collection were manufactured from paper-mache while newer dolls include Roberta Bell's African American heritage series of porcelain dolls.