Thursday, October 1, 2015

Make Stick Sketches For Switch Books

Flip finished the pages of a flip tome to scrutinize an animation.

A flip textbook, the most basic, analog contour of animation, is a humble manual with a delineation on every period. When you control the publication with one ability and flip buttoned up the pages with the thumb of the other participation, the images come to change. To memorize the method of creation a flip book, inauguration by sketch a incomplex stick figure. Procedure the stick figure across the frame babyish by bantam on Everyone event to animate its movement.


1. Frame the stick figure on the first page in the position in which you want to begin its movement. For instance, if you want the figure to move from left to right, draw the figure on the left side of the first page. Stay far enough away from the binding of the notebook that it will not be difficult to draw the figure on the following pages.4. Continue using each page as a reference for the following page. Stop and flip through the drawings often to determine whether your character is moving at the rate you want.

3. Turn to the third page and use the second page for a reference to draw the third image. Move one leg of the stick figure slightly upwards and forwards to create the illusion of walking.

A basic stick figure consists of a circle for a head, a straight line for the body, and upside-down "V"s for the arms and legs.2. Turn the page and create the second drawing. Move the figure only slightly, constantly looking back to the previous page for a reference. To slow down the character's movement, add more drawings with smaller changes. To speed it up, make fewer drawings with more pronounced changes.

5. Finish the flip book by drawing the stick figure in its final position on the last page.