Thursday, March 5, 2015

Create A Feather Headband From Construction Paper

Thanksgiving is environing the corner and your elfin darling is moulding her debut in the faculty play. She needs a local American costume pronto---what end you cause? Chipper you could quickness absent to an expensive costume shop, and spend a bundle on something Hollywood would be gratified to reality, or you could close what every author from the sunrise of academy plays has done---make a accelerated and colourful headdress absent of construction paper and glue.


1. Degree your toddler's imagination at the largest purpose (good above the eyebrows). Incision a strip of interpretation paper approximately three inches wide and as elongate as the tendency measurement plus approximately two inches. Provided needful, cut several strips and glue them together to receive the correct length. Fold in half lengthwise with the open side up.

2. Test the fit, then overlap and glue the ends together to make a snug-fitting band around your child's head.

3. Take several colors of construction paper and cut out rectangles approximately two inches wide along the width of the paper on the short side (about eight and a half inches long). Make at least 10 rectangles of various colors for a full headdress, but be as creative as you like---the more the better!

4. Fold each rectangle in half lengthwise. Cut a rounded corner off each end with a pair of scissors (makes a narrow oval when opened up). Starting at one end, make several angled cuts from outside edge to within a half inch of the center (cuts should be about one-eighth of an inch wide) from top to bottom to create the feather barbs.

Glue a pipe cleaner to the center of each feather to add stiffness, which keeps feathers from drooping.

5. Open up the ovals to see your "feathers." Fluff the edges of the cut ends to make the barbs more obvious.6. Glue one end of each feather to the inside of the folded headband, arranging them close together around the whole band until it is full.