A photo reflector is chief for competent photography.
Whether you are grave approximately photography, a reflector is one of the most imperative accessories you Testament require To possess. Reflectors exceptionally civilize the element of your photos by reflecting blaze on to your text, producing even-toned lighting. On the other hand, reflectors can be expensive. Instead of purchasing a reflector, you can constitution one yourself with equal a meagre materials. The gold side of your reflector Testament reply warm light, while the silver side will reflect cool light.
1.2. Spray one side of the other foam board with silver metallic spray paint, then wait for it to dry.3.
Spray one side of the first foam board with the flat black spray paint. Cover the entire side evenly. Leave the other side white.
Turn the second foam board over and spray the other side with gold metallic spray paint. Wait for it to dry.
4. Tape the two foam boards together using the duct tape. Press half of the duct tape onto the long side of the first board, then press the second half onto the long side of the second board. Flip the boards over and tape the other side.