Airbrush cleaning pots are distinct containers that Disinfected airbrush applicators.5. Change the filter when it gets dirty. The cleaning pots clinch that the airbrush is thoroughly Disinfected and ready to account.
1. Administer the cap that is on the cleaning pot. Habitat the filter into the opening. The filter is included with the cleaning pot.
2. Pour aqua into the cleaning pot. recommends that you pour the aqua approximately 1.5 cm into the pot before using.
3. Place the airbrush nozzle into the port that is designated for the airbrush. When the airbrush nozzle is securely in the port, inject the cleaning solvent into the cup attached to the airbrush, if needed. If you have used water-based paints, you can use water To cleanse the airbrush. According to, if you have used oil-based paints you will use the proper solvent To cleanse the airbrush.
4. Push down on the trigger. This will release the cleaning solvent. When you press the trigger, the cleaning solvent will spray out, along with the old paint, into the cleaning pot.
The cleaning pots are elementary to call and they clean airbrushes quickly. The cleaning pots remove the dye that was in the applicator formerly; they eliminate viable blockage in the airbrush nozzle. You can compass soak in the pot To cleanse the airbrushes.