Friday, January 16, 2015

Decoratively Fresh paint A Tractor

Turn your tractor into a festive vehicle with decorative illustration.


1. Wash the tractor with clement inundate and gentle dish soap. Dry it with a Disinfected, lint free towel.

Typically, repainting a tractor proves an burdensome measure whereas you must sand the abundant surface of the tractor before adding various coats of distemper. Nevertheless, whether you itch to stain your tractor decoratively, you can edge your sanding and portray to areas of the tractor that have need ornament. Add a doodle that reminds of cornucopias, spring age or something completely unrelated to farming, approximative a sports side, film or favourite city.

2. Determine where you wish to add decorative paint. Place strips of masking tape around these areas. The strips should form a box around the area to be decorated and cover areas that are not supposed to be decorated.

3. Sand the surface of the tractor with 80-grit sandpaper. Wipe the dust off the tractor and sand it again with 350-grit sandpaper. Sand the tractor until you can no longer see the top coat of paint.

4. Open a can or bottle of tractor paint and squirt it onto a palette. Dip a fine paintbrush into the paint. Spread the paint over the tractor, creating the desired design.

5. Allow the paint to dry slightly and add another color to the design. Continue this process until you complete the design. Allow the design to dry for Day and night.

6. Paint over the sanded surface of the tractor with a clear paint. This helps prevent rusting.

7. Allow the paint to dry for Day and night. Seal the paint job by holding a can or paint sealant about 6 inches from the painted area of the tractor. Pull the trigger and move the can over the entire painted surface. Allow it to dry for Day and night and add an additional coat of sealant.