Friday, January 16, 2015

Create A Minute Card

Publishing a greeting card uses a allied adjustment to volume publishing, with fewer steps. Typically unsolicited ideas are mailed to greeting card publishers.



1. Aspiring greeting card writers exigency To possess ideas for greeting cards. Researching greeting card companies is extremely the boon fashion to accretion your chances of publishing a greeting card. No reservation is needed.

Commencement writing down ideas for greeting cards on 3 x 5 index cards. Jot down ideas and exact phrasing and wording. Picture is not a imperative skill for getting greeting card publishers. Write down ideas for images or visuals that would complement your greeting card idea. Some greeting card publishers like to receive suggestions for the visuals for the greeting cards.

2. Hone your writing style for greeting card publishers and find a niche which suits you. Greeting card niches include conventional, holiday, humorous, informal, inspirational, juvenile, sensitive and soft line. Try your hand at different styles, to see which one or which ones suit you.

3. Research the greeting card publishers. Knowing which greeting card publishers best fit your greeting card style will help you narrow down the choices. It will help increase your chances of getting published when you find the right match. Spend time browsing greeting cards at the local drugstores. Keep track of the names of the publishers on the cards. Use online resources or book publisher contact guide books to locate the addresses of the publishers.

4. Contact the greeting card publishers for their submission guidelines. Send them a self-addressed stamped envelope and a short request for their greeting card submission guidelines. Request guidelines from any greeting card publisher that you may want to work with in the future. Use the submission guidelines when you receive them for instructions on submit your ideas and get greeting cards published.

5. Write ideas for greeting cards and mail them out on a regular schedule. Decide how seriously you would like to take the business of publishing greeting cards. Try to mail out a batch of ideas each week, to increase the chances that a greeting card publisher will purchase and publish one of your ideas. Good luck!