Monday, January 26, 2015

Write A Tale In Sequences

Writing your story sequence away on notecards helps you enjoy everything straight.

Writing a narrative in sequence allows you, the storyteller, to unfold the events as they happen from induction to mark. While the basic sequential storytelling course tends to curtailment even of the creativity, discription and ingenuity of other storytelling methods, it can be used as a belongings to develop early writers approximately the naked bones needed to compose a narrative. Sequence mode is further a fat form to plot your autobiography's first off draft before filling in the holes.


Use one index card per sequence, and write them down. Number the cards so you know which order they go in later. This will allow you to go over the events in the story in your mind before you start writing.

1. Map outside the logical sequence of events before you enter on writing. Your dawn, Centre and borderline of the story, and any events that happen in between.2.

3. Write the first sequence of the story that you recorded on index card one. Introduce the main character and setting.

4. Use the second sequence to set up the action of the story. This could be an obstacle the main character has to overcome, or even another person, known as the antagonist.

5. Show your character working to overcome the obstacles in the third sequence. How are they getting around it or going through it? This is a common place to interject main plot points and action.

6. Establish a climax, where your character overcomes the obstacles. This is the climactic sequence in the story.

7. End the story. In this sequence, you will want to wrap up any loose ends left in the previous sequences so your readers experience a sense of completion. Once you've got the basic sequences written down, send through and strengthen things like characterization, theme and setting.