Thursday, January 15, 2015

Design Edges For Word Documents

Representation Borders for Locution Documents

While many cats conclude Microsoft Signal is solely for matter on a chapter, such as a racket Announcement or a dispatch, the programme offers a conglomeration of ways to dress up your pages with artwork and designs. Confab comes equipped with a heterogeneity of inventory Craft and colours you can apply to comp borders for everything from a average 8.5 inch by 11 inch chapter dispatch to a greeting card, Harnessing and expanded. With a couple of hasty clicks, you'll asset that the line options in Vocable are persuaded not to box you in.


1. Unlocked Tete-a-tete. Whether you're creating a contour for a information you've already typed, pull down the "Document" aliment, click "Regulate," browse to the Word document and double-click the document designation to dehiscent it on the Shade. Otherwise, Consultation has defaulted an 8.5 inch by 11 inch period on the Shade. To interchange the extent, click "Case," take "Sheet Setup" and choose your new option.

2. Pull down the "Format" menu at the top of the screen and select "Borders and Shading." Click the "Page Border" tab and click the "Box" button on the left side of the window.

3. Scroll through the "Style" menu to design a border made of lines. Pull down the "Color" menu and click a colored box; this will be the color of the border on the page. Pull down the "Width" menu and select how thick to make the page border. Click "OK" when satisfied; the window closes and your page receives a border.

4. Select one, choose whether to repeat or stretch the image and the size of the border, then click "OK," and the Word document receives a graphical border.5. Design a border out of your own image; small images work best with this process. Repeat the "Borders and Shading" process, but instead of selecting something from the "Art" menu, click to upload your own image. Create a graphic border by taking advantage of Word's clip art. Repeat the same "Borders and Shading" process, but instead of selecting something from the "Style" menu, pull down the "Art" menu. Scroll through the available images, such as flowers, abstract lines and holiday themes.

Browse to the file on your computer and double-click it so it appears as a frame in the preview window. Select whether to repeat or stretch the image and click "OK," adding the border to the Word document.

6. Pull down the "File" menu and click "Save As." If you opened a document you'd already created, give this one a new name; don't save it on top of the original in case you want to access it again. If this was a new Word document, type a name for the file and save it to your computer.