Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Critique A Technology Article

Writing an insightful critique (or rebuttal) of a technology article requires critical reading skills, mechanical training and the know-how to commit from a particular viewpoint without career aggressive or standoffish. The technology regional is mythical up of highly analytical thinkers who are not flexible to rants or personal attacks. Any rebuttal or criticism of fact-based technology writing must be similarly rooted in concrete news. This is easier said than done, as the event that you are choosing to critique an article in the elementary corner method that you corner big feelings approximately the human race. When writing for the technology earth, such feelings must be place aside for the gain of composing a fine critique.


1.4. Draft your critique using specific data wherever possible. Personal opinions have no place in a mature criticism of a technology or science article. If your critique is in the form of a rebuttal, the rebuking must be done through facts and figures, not name-calling or assumptions.

2. Find out the technology activity discussed. Provided you dab to criticize a technology article without any patient of the technology itself, your viewpoint is not going to be amusing or effective to anybody. The validity of any critique is rooted in particular news, and particular data lack particular doctrine. Analysis may be needed provided the article deals with new technology. (And if you're simply not familiar with the technological field being written about, ask yourself why you're writing a critique of the article in the first place.)

3. Outline your critique and organize your thoughts. The simplest way to create an outline for a critique of an article is to follow the chronology of the original article point-by-point. But if you don't have any useful insight into a certain point in the article, simply skip it in your critique. Don't feel obligated to comment on or rebuke every single point in the article. Doing so can actually reduce your credibility by making it seem that you are simply "out to receive" the author of the article. Forcing yourself to come up with a criticism of every aspect of the article will also dilute your criticism, drawing attention away from your more valid points and ultimately reducing your critique's overall impact.

Interpret the article completely. Provided you hunger to copy an insightful critique of a technology article, you must announce and insert all of the content. Whether you engross a critique based on "skimming" the article, or whether you engross a reactionary critique based on the inaugural sporadic sentences of an article, you're setting yourself up for failure. Such methods Testament make an incomplete or inaccurate critique that can be easily counter-criticized by someone who has announce and processed the break in its entirety. If you cannot back up a contrary opinion with hard data, your critique will be reduced to a libelous rant.

5. Refine your critique by conforming it to APA guidelines. APA is the standard style guide for science and technology writing (see Resources).

6. Have your critique reviewed by a friend or colleague. Just as technology and science papers need to be peer-reviewed before they can be published in a journal, your critique should be reviewed by a technology-minded peer before you post or publish it.