Friday, January 9, 2015

Get Donations For Any Nonprofit Organization

Many companies and individuals assist nonprofit organizations with financial contributions.

Nonprofit organizations relieve a Broad departure of causes that rely, nearly entirely, on donations. Many companies and individuals assist nonprofit organizations by providing financial and other types of contributions. Nevertheless, most folk who occupation for and up thrust bankroll for nonprofits cognize that alertness must be taken to lock up public donations.


1. Construct a process statement, which according to, is a written dossier that tells prospective donors how their donations Testament be used and how the donation Testament positively clash the community or cause. Include the goal of the organization, anticipated results, accomplishments achieved by the nonprofit and the history of the establishment.

2. For example, if you are raising money for a native animal shelter, request donations from nearby vet clinics, pet stores and similar establishments.4. Use mailers, such as direct-mail and e-mail requests, to solicit donations from individuals and companies.

Request grants from the government or from specific companies (see Resources).3. Research companies that give charitable donations or that might benefit from donating to your organization.

5. Host events to raise money--luncheons, formal dinners, golf tournaments and carnivals.

6. Get involved with social media to increase your organization's exposure and solicit donations.

7. Offer online contests. For instance, a nonprofit designed to teach literacy might host an online short story contest. Individuals could pay a contest fee, submit a narrative and potentially win a prize. To reduce costs to the nonprofit, donations from local companies could be requested for prizes for the contest.