Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Make Your Own Pokemon

Pokemon is an anime TV fair and a trading card merriment. A Pokemon is an animal with powers that Testament action, advancement levels, evolve, and be its owner's Partner. Most Pokemon characters accept after existent animals, approximative birds or mammals. Some much select after dinosaurs. Your Pokemon's different powers depend on if the Pokemon is a holocaust, damp, existence, or air Person. You can accomplish up names for the foray powers, in that there isn't a allot eponym. Possibly it can breathe devouring, or it can pitch boomerangs false absent of plants. Unleash your creativity in forming up your Pokemon.

It doesn't necessarily require to be the actual colour of the animal you are portraying. It can simply be a favourite colour.3.

You should choose one that you are able to trail or hint.

2. Choose a colour for your animal.


1. Choose an animal that you approximative.

Decide what colours you Testament application to Screen your Pokemon. They should be darker shades of the leading colour.

4. Pick away an accent color. This color doesn't need to be the same as your main color. It can be any color at all. You will want to use it for stripes and markings, on the stomach, and possibly for the eyes.

5. Outline the animal of choice, or modify it to create a whole new shape. Most Pokemon characters have rounded details, and they are made somewhat after an animal or dinosaur. The individual character is then modified until it is its own creature.

6. Draw in the face and mild detail for fur. Most Pokemon characters have large eyes and very little detail in the fur.

7. Add color patterns if you wish. Stripes across the back, spots or patterns will look very nice.

8. Use your darker shade color to color the stomach if your Pokemon stands on its back legs. If it stands on four legs, add your color pattern on the back.

9. Start working on the smaller details--such as claws, hooves, noses, tails, eyes, teeth, and any hair that will stick up.

10. When you have finished drawing and coloring your Pokemon in one pose, you may want to draw it in another. You might decide you want a battle pose, an injured pose or a happy pose.

11. Choose a name for this new Pokemon. Your Pokemon name can have something to do with what kind of animal it takes after, or you can make something up that simply sounds appealing to you.