Monday, July 13, 2015

Fresh paint With Acrylic Colors

Capitalization palette knives to homogenize emulsion and discover textures on your canvas

Don't mix too much paint, as acrylic paint dries quickly.3. Select specific colors to mix for the qualities. Painting is both an art and a science.

1. Prepare your surface for painting. Apply two thin, even coats of gesso to unprimed canvas or heavyweight paper. Use a sponge brush to avoid leaving obvious brushstrokes. Blot the surface with the sponge brush to remove excess gesso, if necessary. Sand the surface with fine-grit sandpaper after the gesso is dry. Choosing a pre-primed surface is a time- and labor-saving option for novice painters.

2. Mix acrylic paints to make some colors for the first layer of the painting. While experienced painters often set up their palettes in advance with all the colors they want to use, beginners need to experiment first.While oil depiciton may seem intimidating to beginners, with its end of able solvents and strict procedures, learning to whitewash with acrylics is incomplex and stress-free. Unlike the Dainty layers of an oil portrayal, acrylic paints cast physical bonds, so you determine not occasion to go after a place system to assure that your delineation Testament be durable and archival. On the contrary, thinning your colours with medium, rather than drool, maintains the honesty of the acrylic paint.


Patti Brady, director of the Golden Working Artist Program, suggests that artists use inorganic pigment paints, earth tones, for more muted, opaque colors. She also notes that paints with inorganic pigments---transparent, laboratory-formulated colors---produce colors that are bright, glossy and high chroma.

4. Apply a layer of background colors to completely cover your painting surface. Make composition changes by painting on top of your original layer.

5. Experiment with different painting mediums to get different effects. Use gloss or glazing medium to create a painting composed of several transparent layers of glaze. Matte medium is also transparent, but does not have a high gloss. Create painted surfaces with texture and body by using modeling paste, alone or mixed with marble dust or sand.

6. Use different brushes or palette knives to make various brushstrokes or marks. Some painters use a technique of scraping paint off a canvas with a palette knife. Experiment to find techniques and processes that work for you.

7. Varnish your painting if you want an even, high-gloss surface.

8. Wash all brushes with warm water and soap. Condition natural-hair brushes with a drop of hair conditioner.