Thursday, July 30, 2015

Run A United States Idol Office Pool

Running an business pool can be a pleasant plan to bring some additional competition to a sporting action, on the contrary it can further be used for some other competitions, including brass tacks shows adore "American Idol." If you have several co-workers who are interested in the singing completion, consider running an office pool for some friendly competition.


1. Decide what type of American Idol office pool you would like to run. You can use a points system to keep score of accurate predictions each week. Or, you can run an elimination pool where everyone stays in until she makes an incorrect guess and the last person left is the winner. Or, you can assign a contestant at random to each player and the person who has the American Idol at the end wins.

2. Determine if you want to include an entry fee and a prize or just do it for fun. A small entry fee and prize can be a great way to encourage people to join. Just be sure to make sure that running a office fee with money involved isn't against your company's policies.

3. Compile the weekly guesses on Wednesdays and the results on Thursdays if you're doing a pool based on weekly eliminations. Keep track of everyone's guesses and results to determine the final winner. Bring it up in conversation with your co-workers and encourage them to join.

4. Run the pool. Invite people to join your pool. Send out email invites or post a sign-up sheet in the break room or other community area. Be sure to allow at least a week before the start of the point of the competition with which you want to begin your office pool.