Friday, July 31, 2015

Begin A "Commonplace Book"

A commonplace volume is passion a diary, nevertheless with a miniature bounteous aim. Writers and artists appliance them as a pathway To gather thoughts and ideas. Some mention to those thoughts when they commit their own poems or books. Some honest adoption them as a road to track their own experiences and observations.1. Keep a small notebook with you at all times to write down any ideas or observations you think are worth remembering.2. Transfer the notes as soon as you can to a permanent notebook.

In the objective, the commonplace tome just reflects what the writer has experienced on a day-to-day basis. People have kept commonplace books since ancient times. There are few solid rules for do one.


Organize this notebook into sections. This could be by date or topic, such as poetry, song lyrics, reactions to something in the news, or significant family events. Items could even include headlines or articles from newspapers or magazines. Use a glue stick to attach such items to the book pages.

3. Write down the date of each item entered in the book. Even if you are not keeping it in chronological form, the date could have some meaning when you answer to study the entries.