Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Repaint Basement Walls Which Have Been Colored Before

Picture basement walls that get already been painted is alike to representation any other walls. Spread protective drop cloths over the floor and apply painter's tape to the windowsills and doorways if necessary.3. Remove peeling paint with a paint scraper or rough sandpaper and wipe away residual sanding dust.


1. Progression your colouring. Calculate how still colouring you Testament must by measuring the heighth and Breadth of Everyone wall with a tape degree and multiplying the two measurements with a calculator to receive the square footage. Add the square footage of all the walls together and divide by 400, because a gallon of paint covers 400 square feet. You will have the number of gallons you need.

2. Move furniture and other objects away from the walls. Provided your basement has been painted, the concrete walls hold most feasible been acid etched, primed or sealed and then painted. The onliest factor left to effect is touch it up and add one or two coats of emulsion. This project requires easy portray skills.

Clean away grime and grease with soap and water. Allow walls to dry completely.

4. Apply paint using a roller for maximum coverage or a brush if you do not have a roller. A power roller, which uses an electric pump to feed paint to the roller, is also an option. Apply thick coats, but not so thick that the paint splatters or drips.

5. Allow the first coat of paint to dry completely. This may take four to 12 hours. Add a second coat of paint if necessary.