Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Re-size Jpeg Files Using Home windows Xp

Practise broad objects petite and slender ones blimp by resizing your JPEGs.

While surfing the Net, you'll devise boundless repositories of complimentary JPEG images that you can inscribe or download. You can avail JPEGs as desktop wallpaper or simply add them to a photo group or gallery. When a JPEG case is very barn door or bitty to suit your needs, you'll probably wish to resize it. One of the fastest ways to achieve that is to practice a freebie image-editing baggage built into Windows XP.

6. Click "File" and select "Save As." Type a name for your resized file in the "File Name" text box and click "Save" to save the file.

2. Press "Ctrl-O" to opinion the Open window that displays your computer's files and folders. Double-click a JPEG you'd like to resize. Paint opens the image and displays it on its canvas.

3. Click the "Image" button and select "Stretch/Skew" to display the Stretch and Skew dialog window. You'll see a "Horizontal %" text box and a "Vertical %" text box. They both contain the number 100.

4. Type a smaller value in both text boxes. For example, if you want to make the image 50 percent of its original size, type 50 in both text boxes. Type a number larger than 100 in the text boxes to make the image larger. Type 150, for example, and you'll make the image 50 percent larger.

5. Click "OK" to view the image at its new size. If you aren't happy with that size, press "Ctrl-Z" to undo your change and type new values into the Stretch/Skew window's text boxes.


1. Click the Windows XP Begin Press-stud and influence your mouse over "All Programs." Click "Accessories" and then click "Distemper" to depart the Whitewash programme.