Friday, July 17, 2015

Create Your Own Cartoon Strip

There are many steps in the comedian creation course.

Comics convey the message of the strip using a few words and visual illustrations. Decide what the punch line or point of the strip will be and work on the plot.2. Divide the plot outline into three or four sections. With a plot in sense, haul the strip freehand or on the pc to prepare for book.


1. Assemble characters, a setting and a plot for the comedian strip.Forging a comedian strip is extra complicated than many humanity may assume. There are many steps extreme the scenes that force into forming a comic strip, such as caliber elaborating, plot model and determining the chief images to applicability to communicate the comment of the strip. This takes future and a parcel of considering still before the strip is taut.

Start with the last panel and move backwards from there, plotting what must occur in the previous panel, so each panel makes sense.

3. Sketch a rough outline of the pictures for each panel. Try a variety of poses to see which one conveys the best message. Ask a family member or friend to select their favorite pose.

4. Decide on the method of drawing the comic. A computer makes drawing a comic easier, but it only produces a simple image. For a realistic looking comic, a traditional pen or pencil still works best.

5. Arrange the backgrounds, characters, speech bubbles and text inside the panels. Use a ruler to keep all images on the same level.

6. Copy the strip and print it out. Go over the copied drawing in pen to darken the outline of the comic for a finished look. Add shading, texturing and details with a pen. Photocopy the comic, and use this version for submissions to magazines or potential publishers.