Thursday, October 23, 2014

Diy Wood Elephant Mural Character

Contrive a fanciful wood elephant emotions to add pleasant and creativity to a youngster's classroom or much bedroom. The wood panelling Testament add a three-dimensional mural corollary for more Profundity. Constitute the cast of a cartoon elephant or a extended realistic looking elephant from the African Serengeti. Flash to add diverse coats of polyurethane to the project for fresh Safeguard.

Base Material

Appointment a hardware store or lumber yard to outline contrary types of wood to apply. There is a divergency of thickness levels and fee levels when looking at materials. Too solid wood, chew over MDF or still a capacious stage of plywood. Sand the wood to actualize a smooth workable surfacing using medium- to rough-grit sandpaper. Seal the wood on all sides, including edges to prevent approaching warping of the elephant mural.

Character Design

Browse online at deviating pictures of elephants for reference when creating the elephant represantation for Correct anatomy. Wear gloves to protect hands and nails from paint.

Cutting Design

Use a jigsaw to cut out the elephant design. Sand the edges smooth after cutting for a professional finish.

Transfer the Design

Transfer the drawing by using a projector or tracing paper. The projector will make the design as large as possible. Using tracing paper is possible, but the drawing must be blown up to size prior to transferring. Use water color pencil to transfer the design, so mistakes can easily be wiped away with a wet rag.

Add Color

Use craft and latex paint to add color to the elephant design. Create an easy mix of gray by mixing black and white--use leftover black paint to add shadowing and white for highlights. For large wood murals use a quart of latex paint which is less expensive than craft paint. Apply the paint using foam brushes, paint brushes, rollers or even sea sponges. Trial contrary books from the lib or visit websites such as National Geographic's photography gallery of elephants. Pictures of non-copyrighted elephant drawings are commonly found in Dover Publishers books. Hire a native art student to draw a simple sketch of an elephant to save time with the project.

Keep touch-up paint handy to fix any areas dinged during the cutting process. Add clear polyurethane or paint to the edges of the elephant, so the wood will not warp.