Friday, October 17, 2014

Use Vellum Paper

Vellum paper is smooth and allows the account of pens, colored pencils and common pencils for rendering grade artwork. It is obvious still has a frosted standard besides, so you can detect finished it to custom a ready unreal chart you disposition to trail, gloss or colour. It allows a background paper to be placed latest the finished artwork as a contrast for it.


1. Choose the draw you hankering to haul and lay it on a Apartment lodgings surface. Tape it in berth at the corners of the blueprint.

Wipe the eraser often on a cloth to remove the lead from it or you will place the lead back onto the vellum.

3. Draw the design onto the vellum using whatever medium you have chosen to use. Don't include detail lines, but simply place the outlines of the design onto the vellum.

4. Fill in the design with the colored pencils, regular pencils using varied strengths of lead, or by using the ink pens to create depth and texture to the drawing. Add all the shading now.

5. Add the final details of the design whether it is in the form of highlights or additional lines. If you need to remove any color to show light, use the tip of an exacto knife to gently scrape the color away from the paper. Erasures are difficult, so the eraser must be clean when removing any unwanted lines or marks.2. Section the abundance of vellum to the amount needed for the replica. Make sure that it is a size that is easily framed should wish to do so. Center the vellum over the design and tape the corners down to secure it.